
Some users elect to fund the site using cryptocurrency, and their donations go directly to the operating expenses of the site. Donations are calculated such that any surplus or deficit is carried to the next year, and are verifiable on the "block chain". If you'd like to support or view our financial reports, visit the Donate page.

Transparency discloses every enforceable legal order for user information on the transparency page, in direct publish or quarterly report format. Since 2017 there have been just two legal orders, both of which were heckin' cute and valid. For more information on how legal orders are handled, check the ***** page.

Hidden Services

How can I trust you?

You can't. doesn't parse your E-mail to provide you with targeted ads, nor does read E-mail contents unless it's for a legal court order. However, it is 100% possible for me to read E-mail, and IMAP/SMTP doesn't provide user-side/client-side encryption, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. Any encryption implementation would still technically allow me to read E-mail, too. This was true for Lavabit as well -- while your E-mail was stored encrypted (only if you were a paid member, which most people forget), E-mail could still technically be intercepted while being received / sent (SMTP), or while being read by your mail client (IMAP). For privacy, we recommend encrypting your E-mails using PGP using a mail client add-on like Enigmail, or downloading your mail locally with POP and regularly deleting your mail from our server.

Also, there's this quote from /g/:

Administering a mail host is sort of like being a nurse; there's a brief period at the start when the thought of seeing people's privates might be vaguely titillating in a theoretical sense, but that sort of thing doesn't last long when it's up against the daily reality of shit, piss, blood, and vomit.